The most secure platform in the world for sourcing plant-based ingredients from Africa.

Discover Africa's Finest with KODGAV 🍃

Navigate the complexities of global sourcing with ease. KODGAV's platform offers unmatched access to Africa's rich bounty of plant-based ingredients.

Say goodbye to the uncertainties of cross-border trading and the menace of food fraud.

Experience full visibility of your product's journey from farm to your warehouse, supported by detailed impact metrics to enrich your brand's sustainability narrative.

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Secure Your Access to Ethical Sourcing

Join KODGAV and source ethically from Africa.

Our platform prioritises traceability, sustainability, and ethical practices for businesses across Europe and the UK, streamlining access to organic and conventional plant-based ingredients.

Join Us Now


Why Choose KODGAV?

Elevate your Supply Chain with KODGAV

Direct Access

Gain direct access to ingredients from farmers and processing companies across Africa.

Full Traceability

From farm to your warehouse, track every step with our innovative platform.

Sustainable Impact

Leverage our platform to support environmental and social initiatives.

Expert Support

Our dedicated team ensures smooth transactions and personalized support tailored to your needs.