Kodgav is a supply chain solution for food companies sourcing organic and conventional produce.

Stories by KODGAV

Sesame Seeds

5 Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds have tremendous health benefits in the human diet, and this article contains all the health benefits of sesame seeds.

Cashew Nuts

Are Cashew nuts good for you?

Are cashew nuts good for you? Yes, cashew nuts are full of antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins - important for boosting energy and body immunity.

Cashew Nuts

Why are cashew nuts expensive?

Wondered why cashew nuts are so expensive? Learn about the intensive process to get these tasty nuts packed and ready to be consumed all over the...

Health Benefits

How to go Vegan [Guide]

Going vegan? Going vegan is easy but they're important factors to consider during the transition to a healthier lifestyle. Free vegan recipe pack...

One platform for sourcing plant-based ingredients.

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