Why are cashew nuts expensive?
Wondered why cashew nuts are so expensive? Learn about the intensive process to get these tasty nuts packed and ready to be consumed all over the...
Wondered why cashew nuts are so expensive? Learn about the intensive process to get these tasty nuts packed and ready to be consumed all over the...
KODGAV is changing the agriculture game by creating new ag-tech methods of increasing the supply of cashew nuts to the UK in a sustainable way.
Kodgav UK nominated the top AgTech company in London by BestStartup.co.uk - the best digital platform for sourcing organic, and sustainable...
What differentiates KODGAV from your common cashew nuts suppliers?
Wondering about the origin of Cashew nuts and their importance to the human diet? This article contains what you didn't know about where cashews come...
Transparency, location, pricing? What are the main criteria to look for when searching for a cashew nut supplier? Learn more in this article.
How is KODVAV maintaining the food supply chain for food manufacturers and caterers? How is KODGAV ensuring the access to food?